Thursday, February 19, 2009


[song: right in the head by m.ward]

greg and kyle are down to 2 days of climbing left (after their rest day today). they've been putting a pretty good hurtin' on the rocks here at hueco. it's been fun hanging out when i've gotten a chance. eating burritos & burgers, drinking beer, watching the family guy, talking about funny movies, and getting in a little climbing of course. it'll be a shame to see them go.

in climbing, and oft times in life, i've learned that wanting something and attaining it are one thing, but the process by which that something is attained is often different from the initial perceived means.


i now have done black mamba. finally. but the sequence i used ended up being different from what i first figured out. which on one hand seems ridiculous since there are only 5 holds for the bulk of the problem; but it makes sense that you could reconfigure said holds in a couple different ways, which is what i did. i would have preferred to do it the "traditional" way, but that sequence proved to be harder for me.

in short, as my scottish friend gary says, i am properly chuffed (meaning happy, excited, et al. and in no way similar to being, as the americans say, a chuffer).

having accomplished all goals for the trip i am set to work on a new uber-project: rumble in the jungle. i was on it tuesday and did almost all the moves. then yesterday was royally pysched to get it down to 3 sections. it's the hardest thing i've tried, and maybe the best line. i am excited to get on it again tomorrow with the crew: brian, ander, chris, and gustavo; and hopefully get it down to 2 sections. i'll try to get some footage or pics. . . it's sooo good.

be good and keep it real. . .

hugs and kisses!


  1. you are mai sexy rockclimb hero. you make-a the loves to the rocks, no?

  2. you are schmidiculous. I tried that one last year and loved it, good luck, I hope you send. Tell mike and steph that I climbed a lot with hector, miguel, marina, etc. in hampi and they remembered them fondly, but were very confused about which one of them was a nurse.

  3. nice work man. keep cranking! You've just started to tap into your potential.
    You're giving me motivation...
