Monday, February 2, 2009


[song: le vent nous portera by noir desir & manu chao]

i guess you could say that i've reached the half-way point here at hueco tanks. if i were to leave today, i would be completely satisfied with my trip so far. i have seen old friends, met new friends, and climbed with them all. i have climbed high and low, hard and soft; and it was all worth the while.
i could be ready for new adventures, new friends, and new climbs. but as it goes (so fortunate am i), i have another month here at hueco. i have more friends from back east visiting in less than a couple weeks: greg and kyle from louisville. i can't wait for kyle to make a return trip and for greg to make his first visit to the bouldering mecca of north america. i have so much more to do here anyway, so there won't be a lack of any motivation to keep climbing. especially with 'fresh blood' so close to being on their way.

with a little less than a month here at the boulders, i've been able to see alot, climb many, and send a few. i've had tendinitis, which i've staved off by many upon many days of push-ups. of course you take the bad with the good. as the last few days have been the worst so far: not being able to get past the warm-ups. but alas, having a cold-of-sorts doesn't come without a price. i've pushed myself too hard, have fallen too deep, and am stepping back for a long couple of days (practically 4) to fully recover. i've learned to embrace forced rests and let them live up to their own potential; it's been rewarding.

today is another nice, quiet, restful day. kicking back and soaking in the blazing sun, sweating out the maladies and shedding weeks of unkempt hair and dirt. if i am to perpetuate this climbing spree with fervor i am required to be deliberate in taking these simple steps (the resting, not the shower) to assure continued success. with as much time as i have left, it's really little to ask.

so i take to reflecting what's transpired thus far:

remembering the joy of what i've achieved;

reeling from the seemingly-so-close-to-success failures;

smiling in a sigh of contentment all the while. knowing that all is behind, presenting me perfectly to what lies ahead. i am conscious of this moment and aware of its movement. i am ready to face what is to come, presently.

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear about the tendonitis. but like you said, you have plenty of time to rest and still rock out. things are pretty bangin' back east. patrick and i found a series of 9 bullet-hard sandstone roofs with cool (but committing) topouts) just 1 hour from lexington. area 51 is kinda ridiculous. dude, we found 15 problems on the first day alone. we head back this weekend with ropes, shovels, and brushes to start the FA train. yay!
