Sunday, March 29, 2009


[lost coastlines by okkerville river]

i wake this morning in a virtually vacant mall parking lot to violent winds, attacking everything in sight; except for those of us nestled in the warmth of shelter. as i make my way toward breakfast and the morning news i am greeted by the accompanying (what will end up being inches and inches of) snow that salt lake city has to offer me, on this our first day together (some impression, right?)

i'm on to the next chapter in my roadtrip: joe's valley, utah. situated a couple hours south of this thriving metropolis. i pray the week down there brings better weather, better temps, and and all-around improving enjoyment of travel and rockclimbings (seeing as how i tore an A4 pulley last thursday on a problem hardly worth attempting, and hoping 4-5 days off will suffice for enough recovery to allow me to sample the sandstone goodness i will soon lay my eyes upon).

in other news, i finished the road by cormac mccarthy: simply put, a good book. SPOILERISH: the end was rather sad (as one could expect from an apocalyptic tale), but somehow the last paragraph made it all okay. how could something so simple and unassuming and seemingly out of left field do that (though so apropos)? kinda weird i thought, but it goes to show a powerful author full of an understanding i wish to create myself.

peace be your journey


  1. heh. i'm reading the road for my dissertation. super-depressing. short sentences. bleak landscapes. i love how mccarthy doesn't use quotes. i suppose speech is no different than inner dialogue when the whole of humanity has dwindled down to you and a kid.

    anywho. i strained a hamstring and reinjured my a3 so i'm back to endurance training. might try and send a route or something. /sigh.


  2. at least i'm not the only one in this bleak landscape of injuries.

    feeling older never made me want to take up something so not-finger intensive until now...

  3. the day after briefing you on my injuries i went out and repeated every hard problem i've ever done at rockcastle (in perfect style) and added 4 hard problems i had never done before.

    seems if you drop 10 pounds you don't really need an a3 :)


  4. i would regale a similar circumstance, only without such notorietous victories: i just taped my A4 and did the hardest stuff i've been doing the last month or so.

    2 bum fingers, 1 on each hand, and probably as well lost 10 pounds: must be the secret to success!

  5. wow. i also have 2 bum fingers. ring finger a4 on the left and ring finger a3 on the right. it seems 55lb pull ups on 1/4 inch edges doesn't do much for old injuries.

    have fun with posse in boulder.

